By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
Over the past few days there have been dozens of rockets shot into Israel from Gaza by Hamas.
A Hamas released video shows six rockets being shot very quickly in rapid succession from the middle of an urban residential area. The rockets seemed to be shot by a single rocket launcher capable of multiple rockets.
This kind of attack makes it very difficult for Israel to retaliate against the launchers simply because the rockets have deliberately and intentionally been positioned in the midst of civilians.
Luckily, no Israelis were hurt by these rockets.
But Gazans will be hurt.
Gazans will be hurt in two ways. The first is that Israel will hit back with helicopter gunships and fighter jets. The second and greatest injury to Gazans is the damage that was done to the reputation of Hamas when they publicized the fact that they shoot from populated centers.
That action is absolutely unacceptable in the world in which we live today.
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