By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
US Secretary of State John Kerry made an inane statement in a press conference the other day.
He said out right that the press should stop covering terror attacks. He actually said, not implied, that if the attacks were not covered people would not know about them. The implication was that without the coverage, people would not freak out and fear terror and that without the publicity the terrorists would not act.
The entire message by Kerry is a serious mistake.
Terror does not go up and down because the events are covered. A press blackout on terror would never stop events from being covered. In this day and age of media access, most people learn about things from social media and not from traditional news sources.
The most important issue here is that Kerry's entire perspective is based on the false assumption that if you de-emphasize the value of something/anything it becomes less important to everyone else. This is not true. It is a terrible fallacy.
Terror is important to the terrorists and to the victims and to the world that is at war confronting the terror. Saying it is not Islamic or not terror will not make it less important.
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