By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
Trust me on this, it's true = As a result of the nuke deal Iran was expecting a huge increase in tourism amounting to 3%-4% of their annual income.
Iranians were planning on their tourism expanding every year. Next year they were planning on a 6%-8% increase.
The problem is that new US sanctions are discouraging Iran's potential tourists.
But there are tourist coming to Iran.
There are curious tourists interested in visiting Iran and reporting back to their friends and relatives about their experiences. Most of these tourists are thrill seekers and there are plenty of these thrill seeking tourists.
And among the first of Iran's visitors are tourism writers and photographers, there to document the pristine adventures of uncharted escapes and trails. These are the tourists who blaze the trails for main stream conservative tourists.
What was supposed to be a real economic find for Iran has just had the rug pulled out from underneath it.
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