Monday, December 31, 2018

Another US PA Crisis

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

In January 2019 the US Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act will go into effect.

This act forbids the giving of US aid to any group linked to terror and permits US citizens to sue on behalf of victims of terror.

In October the Trump administration suspended $210 million dollars in aid to the Palestinians. Now in question is $61million more that goes to Palestinian security operations.

That money includes all the monies that go to sponsoring joint Israeli/Palestinian security cooperation.

The Palestinian security apparatus has been accused of involvement in terror. And in the end the Palestinians may actually decline the aid. They do not want to be embarrassed in front of the entire world by public lawsuits. 

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Friday, December 28, 2018

Kurds Ask Russia for Help

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The Kurds in Syria are running around trying to fill the vacuum in their defense shield that was created by President Trump announcing that he was pulling out US troops.

Yes -- there are only 2000 troops but their presence in Syria and their training protected of the Kurds guarded the Kurds from the Turks who see the Kurds as terrorists.

As a result of the US decision, the Kurds have asked the Russians to serve as their new protectors. No word yet on Russia's response. So the Kurds went to Assad with the same request.

Russia could easily simply tell Turkey to keep away. It would be as easy and a simple phone call. But will Russia get involved? Probably not. Russia will need Turkey later -- and they will not risk making this request because the issue of the Kurds is a very low priority to Russia. 

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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Iran Is Selling Its Oil

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
Iran released a report making it public that they are having no difficulty selling their crude oil.

Since the United States snapped sanctions back on Iran, we have all been wondering how Iran would manage. Now we know.

Here's how they're doing it.

Private contractors - even some Jewish contractors, are supplying the world with Iranian crude oil. According to the report 3 million barrels of oil could be sold every day on the open market.

Oil is fungible. It is the most fungible item in the world. Once it is no longer underground and it is in the market, it is impossible to track.

And that's how they Iranians are doing it. 

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Rocket Shot into Israel from Syria

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Syria, or perhaps Iran, launched a rocket into Israel on Tuesday night.

The rocket was launched in response to Israel striking at Hezbollah and Iranian arms depots southwest of Damascus, Syria. The rocket was launched into Israel as a counter measure.

Israel intercepted the rocket and it exploded in mid-air. By the time it was exploded, the rocket had already reached Hadera. That means that the missile had made its way deep into Israel.

Had it not been intercepted, had it struck a populated area, this could have caused devastating destruction and deaths in Israel. 

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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

White House Won't Announce Plan til After Election

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

By now almost everyone who cares about the Middle East knows that Israel will have early elections on April 19, 2019.

Early elections have consequences. These elections are 7 months before their original scheduled time.

So far, the most dramatic results of having early elections in Israel came out of the White House.
They announced that early elections in April will impact the date of the announcement of their famous peace plan.

The reason should be obvious.

The Trump White house does not want to set back any progress. An announcement from the White House might change the results of the election in Israel. 

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Monday, December 24, 2018

Honduras to Move Embassy for a Price

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Honduras has decided to relocate their embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

But , there's a big "but" there. Honduras has several conditions that need to be met in exchange for the move.

Honduras knows the importance Israel places on embassies moving to their capital. So Honduras is taking advantage of the leverage they now hold.

They are asking that the Israelis upgrade their diplomatic mission in Honduras to a full fledged embassy. In addition, they are asking that Honduras receive Israeli hi-tech initiatives and programs that will help them advance in computer technology across the national spectrum which includes defense and medical capabilities.

The annual cost of an Israeli embassy is $1million. This is a small price for Israel to pay considering the benefits they will receive in return. 

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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Belgian Fans Sings "Burn Jews"

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

During a soccer match, a Belgian team sang a pep song glorifying burning Jews.

The team from the city of Brugge, about 40 miles from Brussels, has a history of anti-Semitic acts.

La Derniere Heure, a Belgian newspaper and website, posted video of the game which took place on August 20th. The video shows dozens of fans celebrating their local team’s victory by singing in Flemish: "My father was in the commandos, my mother was in the SS, together they burned Jews 'cause Jews burn the best."

These kinds of antics are typical of Europe - especially of the soccer culture.

European Jewish leadership is calling on soccer club owners to step up their game and fight anti-Semitism. They are also calling on political leadership to create a plan to combat anti-Semitism. 

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Friday, December 21, 2018

Why The US Def Sec Quit

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis resigned. He handed in his letter of resignation soon after President Trump announced that the United States was withdrawing all US troops from Syria and that the war against ISIS was won.

Mattis' letter made no mention of the withdrawal.

But when reading the letter, it seems obvious that the decision was the last straw for a Defense
Secretary whose voice and advise was not being seriously considered.

Mattis wrote: "you have a right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours."

He also does mention that his philosophy of keeping American safe includes supporting regional allies. He wrote that America First does not seem to go well with his strategy of protecting allies.

There are definitely winners and losers in the US withdrawal. ISIS is actually one of the winners.
They gain a real sense of satisfaction that they - though diminished - are still standing while the United States has left. 

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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Lebanon Asks UN Sec Council to Condemn Israel

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Lebanon officially asked the United Nations Security Council to condemn Israel and require that Israel respect their international border and their sovereign territory.

Israel is in Southern Lebanon in order to discover and identify terror tunnels.

They have already discovered and are destroying four tunnels.

In addition, they documented the tunnels and learned the strategy and direction of the tunnels and their designers.

It is clear that international law permits a country to cross another's border in order to defend itself.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Hamas Trounces Abbas in Poll

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
According to the latest Palestinian poll, Hamas will defeat the Palestinian Authority in an election.

The poll encompassed Gaza and the West Bank and involved 1,200 people. It would make sense that Hamas would win in Gaza - but in the West Bank?

The poll was specifically about the leaders of the two governments, it was about Hamas' Ismail Haniyeh versus the PA's Mahmoud Abbas.

Haniyeh trounced Abbas. 49% Haniyeh to 42% Abbas.

The poll was conducted by Khalil Shikaki, a very reputable pollster. Shikaki founded and heads the Palestinian Center for Policy Survey Research. He is also on faculty at Brandeis University in Boston. His methodology and his science are exceptional. My only critique is that his sample is way too large.

The most important take away from this poll is that Abbas is on the wane. His days, as they say, are numbered. 

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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Russia & Israel on the Mend

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

It looks like the relationship between Russia and Israel is on the mend.

This week Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with Israel's head of the Jewish Agency, Isaac Herzog.

Herzog is said to have an excellent relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. so the information that was exchanged certainly made its way directly to Russian president Putin and Israeli leader Netanyahu.

For the past few months there has been almost no real Russian / Israeli interaction. This was the result of a Russian plane downed by Syrians that Russia claimed happened because of Israel.
Russia and Israel need one another. Tensions between the two make it unsafe for everyone. 

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Monday, December 17, 2018

Christians Leave MidEast

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Christians continue to leave the Middle East.

Christians are feeling threatened and they have the financial capabilities to pull up roots and leave the Middle East and set up new homes elsewhere in the world.

It is a trend that began about 15 or 20 years ago. It's happening in Syria. It's happening in Iraq. It's happening in Bethlehem - and in great numbers.

Thirty years ago Bethlehem had a population with a significant Christian majority. Today the numbers in Bethlehem are so sparse that according to estimates Christians compose a mere 10%-15% of the population. Some say the numbers are even smaller.

This trend is happening across the Arab world. 

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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Ukraine Honors Jewish Mass Murderer

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
The Ukrainian government has declared 2019 the Year of Honoring Stepan Bandera. Ukraine will celebrate the 110th year of his birth.

Bandera was a Ukrainian nationalist who lived from 1909 - 1959.

The problem with this celebration is that Bandera was also a notorious mass murderer of Jews during WWII who joined forces with the Nazis.

Under Bandera's leadership and direction Jews were "removed and relocated" which means - murdered. In Ukraine Jews were murdered in mass killing pits.

The Israeli ambassador to Ukraine, Joel Lion, stood up and protested celebrating this murderer as a hero. He was shocked by the government’s decision and said: "I can't understand how the glorification of those directly involved in horrible anti-Semitic crimes helps fight anti-Semitism and xenophobia. Ukraine shouldn't forget those crimes committed against Ukrainian Jews and in no way celebrate them." 

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Friday, December 14, 2018

Anti Semitic Bk at Int Bk Fair

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The International Book Fair in Doha, Qatar is famous for its sheer size. People and dealers, merchants and publishers come from all over the world to scout new books and products.

This year the Book Fair took place between November 29 and Dec 8, 2018. Over 30 countries participated, featuring over 100,000 titles. The United States was represented, they even had a booth.

Imagine the shock when books with titles like "The Lies Jews Spread" and "The Myth of Nazi Gas Chambers" and "Talmud of Secrets: Exposing The Jewish Schemes to Control the World" were featured at the Fair.

It did not stop there.

Old evil books like Henry Ford's "International Jew" which draws heavily on the infamous "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" were also present at the Book Fair in Doha. 

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Muslim World Over take Israeli On Line Courses

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

This is the age of computer education. Courses of all types are offered for free by leading scholars. Just sign on and learn.

Bar Ilan University, one of Israel’s leading institutions of higher learning, offers a superb selection of courses. One course is on Biblical Archeology.

People from all over the world have signed on - including students from Pakistan, Oman and the United Arab Emirates. These students are from countries that do not recognize Israel.

The course is filled with on-location virtual, or video, visits to archeological sites. Students read and watch and even ask questions. There is also a dialogue board where all the participants can get involved and learn from the interaction.

This is the beauty of the internet.

Yes, some websites can be blocked by certain countries. But most servers are not in their host countries and can be ghosted in order to avoid being blocked. That's another one of the beauties of the internet. 

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Australia to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
There were reports on Australian media, on Tuesday, broadcasting that Australia will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Recognizing, however, is not the same thing as moving your embassy to Jerusalem.

It seems that there is real pressure on Australia from Muslim countries stopping the actual transfer of the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, Brazil is moving ahead with their decision to both recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and to move their embassy to Jerusalem.

The Brazilians, too, have received serious threats from Muslim and Arab countries. The Arab League even made an announcement that Brazil's move will impact relations with all members of the Arab League.

Nonetheless, Brazil is standing firm and proceeding with their move. 

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Monday, December 10, 2018

Iran Hit Squads

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The Daily Telegraph of Great Britain published a piece announcing that Iran has a series of hit squads assassinating their enemies in Iraq.

The reason for the Iranian attacks on their targets is simple - they are public critics of Iran.

The paper brings a series of examples to prove their point. Quoting a senior British security official, the Telegraph writes: "Iran in intensifying its campaign of intimidation against the Iraqi government by using assassination squads to silence critics of Tehran."

He continues: "This is a blatant attempt to thwart efforts by the new Iraqi government to end Iran's meddling in Iraq."

There should be no doubt. The Iranians are aggressively tamping down on anyone who challenges Iran. 

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Friday, December 7, 2018

Iran & OPEC

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

OPEC is asking their members to reduce output.

Iran is saying no. No, they will not reduce their output.

"It's a red line for Iran to reduce its production, to contribute to a new cut in production. Iran hasn't produced any more oil in the previous months and it's not Iran's responsibility to manage the situation," Bijan Zanganeh, Iran's oil minister said on CNBC.

"It's the responsibility of the countries that have produced more and more and have collapsed the market with more oil and extra oil and Iran has no responsibility for this situation," he added.

He repeated, "It's a red line for Iran not to cut one barrel ... Iran should be excluded from any decision."

Did anyone really expect any other response from Iran? 

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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Collecting $ for Syria

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
The US has collected $325 million from allied countries to help rebuild Syria. In the big picture, $325 million is not even close to the sum of money needed to rebuild Syria.
$100 million came from Saudi Arabia.

This funding move refers directly to rebuilding Syria from the destruction caused by battling ISIS.
The money will be used to stabilize the northern areas in Syria.

The United States is trying to re-establish the coalition they built to wipe out ISIS. This is one step in the process. 

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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Chess Fed Stands Up Against Israel Boycott

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
It's finally happening.

The international Chess Federation (FIDE) put their foot down and punished Saudi Arabia for not issuing Israelis visas to compete in a world championship that they were hosting.

The FIDE warned Saudi Arabia to permit Israelis and when the Saudis did not bow to the pressure, FIDE moved the championship to Russia.

It would be wonderful if other international sports organizations followed this example and showed the leadership that FIDE has just shown. 

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Sunday, December 2, 2018

98 Iranian Fake News Sites

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

A cyber investigative report was just issued by ClearSky, a cybertech security firm in Tel Aviv.

The results should not surprise you.

The details are very telling.

Iran is operating fake news sites around the world and funneling news and information through those sites to influence opinion. Many of the sites have names that include the words "Times", "Journal" and "News".

ClearSky discovered 98 such Iranian fronts, in 29 languages, in 28 different countries.

They were easy to discover because the registration information and contact information on many of the sites were Iranian. The obvious targets of the Iranian ploy were the Middle East and Asia. But they also have sites that target the US and Europe. They even have a site in Hebrew targeting Israelis.
The Israeli site is called the Tel Aviv Times.

The sites often rewrite real news and portray Iran positively. They also include cultural and other sections with less propaganda and spin.

This is taking fake news to an entirely different level. This is propaganda masquerading as news. 

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