Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Israel Wanted to Target Hamas Leader

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Yesterday a Kuwaiti paper reported on the Israeli strike which killed Ahmed Jabari claiming that Jabari was not the original target.

Rather, the paper said, Israel's original target was Prime Minister Ismael Haniyah.
But targets change all the time. The report suggests that while Haniyah was under surveillance he had several heated conversations with Jabari and that is how Israel was able to locate Jabari. Since the whereabouts of Jabari were always in flux, Israel only had a small window to strike and they did.

Jabari was on Israel's hit list for a long time.

Part of the conflict between Haniyah and Jabari was that Jabari had searched the prime minister's home. He did it at the request of the leader of Hamas who is headquartered outside of Gaza.

This search was humiliating - hence the heated exchanges between Haniyah and Jabari and Israel successful detection and killing of Jabari.


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