Friday, January 4, 2013

Israeli Products in Lebanon

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The Lebanese have launched an investigation.

A bag containing four peppers was discovered in the Spinneys food store in Sidon. And in the bag the word Israel appeared. The authorities and the army were called in - and they found ten other bags. They also discovered that the original barcode was scratched out and a new code had been attached.

Israeli products in Lebanon.

This is not the first time. There actually are many Israeli products to be found in Lebanon, but most are technology and biotech and medical products. And there are many who are up in arms about those also.

Spinneys is the largest food supermarket in the Middle East. Now headquartered in Dubai, it was originally opened in Egypt in 1924 by a British soldier. Spinneys has huge purchase power and transport/delivery power. They buy products internationally and send them wherever they need to go based on quality and price.

These peppers, like many fruits and vegetables in the Middle East, were purchased in Israel and then the labels were swapped in Cyprus. Cyprus is where much of these things happen. Cyprus is the perfect, if you will, middle man.

Unbeknownst to many haters of Israel there are probably many, many rewrapped and repackaged Israeli products including meats, vegetables and technology now are sold in the Arab countries.

Those who boycott Israel are actually, albeit unwittingly, enjoying and savoring some of Israel's best products. 

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