Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Why Russia Sides w/ Syria

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

It became perfectly clear during the meetings in Russia last week.

Putin won the battle. The Russian leader told Obama, simply and clearly, that Russia was supporting Syria. Putin said that he was not convinced by the evidence presented to him by Obama.

Obama had hoped that the evidence would speak for itself. US Secretary of State John Kerry, in his own way, is also trying to convince his counterpart in Russia to take action against Bashar of Syria, but his arguments, too, have fallen on deaf ears.

Russia is not interested in the truth. Russia is not interested in any red lines. Russia needs to back its ally. Russia needs to show Syria and all the other Russia minions that when there is a conflict with the United States their Russia patrons will defend them and sponsor them no matter what.

And it is no accident that the Russian defense tactic includes making the United States look foolish in the international community.

The main point for Russia is not gassing nor is it the death of innocents. Russia is only about power and about alliances.

Challenging the United States meets Russia's national interests.


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