Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pope Condemns Anti Semitism

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

In St. Peter's Square, on Sunday, Pope Francis spoke about Kristalnacht. The Pope commemorated the 75th anniversary of the Night of Broken Glass.

He said: "We renew our closeness and solidarity to the Jewish people, our big brothers, and pray to God that the memory of the past and of the sins of the past helps us to be always vigilant against every form of hate and intolerance."

When Francis was Archbishop of Buenos Aires he co-authored a book on inter-religious dialogue with Rabbi Abraham Skora.

Pope Francis both understands and is sensitive to the issues that are central to the Jewish community.
Pope Francis fully recognizes and condemns all forms of hatred, especially anti-Semitism.
Pope Francis realizes that Nazism used anti-Semitism as fuel for hatred and as an excuse for murdering the Jews of Europe.

Pope Francis sees the dangers in not adequately confronting and learning the lessons of the Holocaust.


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