Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Jesus Was Not A Palestinian

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Enough already.

Arafat used to do it all the time. Present day Palestinian leadership is carrying on the tradition. The Palestinians call Jesus a Palestinian.

In an email he just sent around the world PA President Mahmoud Abbas called Jesus a Palestinian. He wrote Jesus was a "Palestinian messenger who would become a guiding light for millions."

That's like calling Jesus an Israeli. And Jesus was not an Israeli.

Jesus was a Jew - he was not an Israeli and he was not a Palestinian.

Obviously, Islamic leadership cannot call Jesus the "Savior." Interestingly, the Muslim world has great difficulty even calling him "prophet."

In his email, Abbas called Jesus a "messenger" so as not to upset or, even better, to insult Muslim leadership around the world.

Jesus has his place in history. The fact that he does not play a role in Muslim history should not pose a problem. The Palestinians must stop abusing history.


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