Friday, June 27, 2014

FM Lieberman in Paris

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has been in Paris.

In Paris Lieberman met with US Secretary of State John Kerry and with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius.

Talks went well. But, and this is no secret, Lieberman has a reputation. He is very direct and not very diplomatic - especially when it comes to compromise and settlements. Considering that he is the chief diplomat of Israel, those are not traits one would ideally want to flaunt.

In his talks with Kerry, Lieberman said that there is no need for a Palestinian peace deal right now. A regional peace plan, he explained, would be much more effective.

In his talks with Fabius of France, Lieberman said that there is a warped and incorrect comparison floating around and it needs correcting. He said that one cannot compare the action of the kidnappers to the actions of the IDF.

Lieberman explained: There is no parallel and no commonalities upon which to compare.

The terrorists kidnapped children.

The IDF is trying to find them. One is accountable to a democratically elected state pursuing justice and peace and trying to defend a nation in a very ugly neighbor from armies and terrorists.

The other is a terrorist group that kills indiscriminately. Its objective is to target civilians and cause as much fear as possible.

The fact that the terrorists claim to be justified by righting an injustice does not make it any less terror. Terrorism is defined by the methods not the reasons and rationale.

Lieberman was on point. No gaffes. No inflammatory rhetoric. This time, he spoke plainly and clearly and made his points rather eloquently. Agree with him or not, he spoke like a true diplomat and statesman. 

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