Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hamas Abuses and Threatens PA

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
A recent poll shows that Hamas has increased in popularity over the past few weeks. They are, at this moment, more popular than Abbas and the PA.

So PA representatives have begun unveiling horrific descriptions of brutal abuse at the hands of Hamas.
Hamas has threatened and physically abused and even murdered PA people in Gaza

"Hamas acted in the same barbaric way in 2009 and 2012 without ever giving any reasons," one witness described the situation. "Nobody can forget the Fatah blood they spilled after their 2007 coup d'etat."

Others describe how Hamas humiliated and even publicly murdered PA employees over the past few weeks.

There are 100,000 PA employees in Gaza. They all continued to draw a salary during the conflict with Israel and that, too, was a huge cause of conflict between Hamas and the PA. Now they are being terrorized. 

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