Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Spain Breaks Up ISIS Recruitment Ring

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
As part of an ongoing attempt to crack down on ISIS recruitment at its roots, Spain arrested a
recruitment ring on Tuesday.

The ring was dedicated to recruiting young women into ISIS. Four
recruiters were arrested and all of them were women.

This is a huge success - but it is still only the tip of the iceberg.

Europe needs to find these recruiters and the websites they use as recruitment tools. The stakes here are very high.

It is not simply that recruits go off and fight for ISIS in Syria and Iraq. It is that they return home with training and the motivation to strike targets in Europe - and there is almost no defense against them.

In the long run, the best way to protect the homeland is to make certain recruits never get recruited. This is not about economic and social issues - an improvement in those areas will not change the minds of highly motivated would-be recruits.

The only way to prevent local Europeans, or Americans or Asians for that matter, from running into the arms of ISIS is to arrest them.

And then shut down the systems of broadcast that they found so enticing 

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