Monday, March 16, 2015

Israeli Elections Are Tomorrow

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Tomorrow is election day in Israel. This election will be a real nail biter.

Israeli media analysis is hard to trust because the bias of each media outlet is so obvious. The polls are difficult to discern.

But come what may, one thing is for sure --- there will be a winner and a loser come Tuesday night or Wednesday morning.

Real questions emerge: Israel went to early elections. It was Netanyahu who agreed to dissolve the government and go to those early elections. Why did he do it?

Netanyahu called for new, early, elections thinking that he was a shoe in. So what happened over the past three months to transform a sure deal into a race that is way too close to call?

Most importantly, elections make people contemplate change. Elections make people question whether their situation could be better. Whether their country has more to offer them. And that is exactly the campaign that the opposition ran on.

Do you want four more years of Bibi and for more years of this? The opposition did not even need to offer voters a real platform. That was only officially published late last week.

Ahh, the beauty of elections and the nature of the polity. Voters can and will be fickle. And that is exactly what we are seeing in this Israeli election. Stay tuned. 

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