Thursday, April 2, 2015

Insurance Company will Not Cover Jewish Kindergarten

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

An insurance company has refused to insure a Jewish kindergarten in Brussels.
The insurance company said that, given all the anti-Semitism that has been flaring up throughout
Europe, the risk in insuring a Jewish kindergarten is too high.

The kindergarten has a solid steel door and a 6 digit security code.

Every school in the Western world needs to have insurance. Every nation and every state and every district and every city has that law. Schools often shop around for the best deal. And when risks increase, so too do premiums and costs.

But here the premise is very different. In this case, the insurance company has said that they will simply not carry the risk. There is no premium high enough to insure a Jewish kindergarten, they say.

That notion, I say, is simply not correct.
But even this insurance company prevails, even if no company is willing to insure the Jewish kindergarten, there is an alternative.

In that case, the government or a multi-governmental agency should step forward and promise to cover the risk.

That is what often happens in the aftermath of a terror attack.
Places and people are almost always underinsured and the government steps in to protect them.

Shame on that Belgian insurance company. 

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