Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Austria Convicts 14 Yr Old for Terror

By Micah Halpern
Micah Halpern

An Austrian court sentenced a 14 year old to a suspended sentence of16 months in prison for joining a terror group and researching how to build a bomb. The teenager pleaded guilty to the charges.

The 14 year old is a citizen of Turkey. He used his Play Station game internet hook up to research the bomb making.

He has been in pre trial hold for the past seven months - ever since his arrest in October.

This case illustrates both how young kids are drawn in by the lure of ISIS and how they can keep it from their parents by using electronic games which parents wrongly assume are safe of the dangers of the internet.

Governments and prosecutors needs to look carefully at the recruitment of young people living in their countries. These young adults have been preyed upon by ISIS recruiters. Officials need to try to stop the flow and recruitment of ISIS supporters if they want to keep their countries safe.


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