Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Austrian President Visits Iran

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The first Western head of state to visit Iran arrived on Tuesday.

The visit marked the first time in over a decade that the head of a Western country was in Teheran.
Austria's President Heinz Fischer went to Teheran to seal a series of trade deals that have been in development since the signing of the Nuke Deal in July.

Fischer told the joint news conference that he held together with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani that --- "We expect to boost our volume of trade to 300 million Euros in the short term, and we then look forward to markedly increasing our economic relations."

The gates are now open. Exports all forms of trade will be spilling out and in to Iran. But make no mistake about it, the balance will definitely be in Iran's favor.

Iran is officially out of the doghouse. In answer to that popular question: Who let the dogs out? We did. Woof, woof! 

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