By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
We are hearing that ISIS is on the run - that they have been beaten back.
I'm not too sure.
Yesterday I read a series of reports that ISIS is on the march and capturing more and more cities and villages and towns in northeastern Syria.
The province of Dayr Az Zawr is the place of most interest right not. The capital city of Dayr Az Zawr, which bears the same name as the province, is now totally under the control of ISIS. According to reports, ISIS captured their weapon depots and many other stocks of weapons.
ISIS also captured the city of Ayash which housed an army base.
All these places were snatched from Assad's forces.
ISIS will use these victories as propaganda to help propel and boost their morale and to help motivate their fighters who have been hurt by Russian and other air strikes.
The pendulum often swings in these conflicts. Seldom is the movement only in one direction.
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