Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Jews Say NO To Abbas Invite

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, has invited a group of Israeli and Jewish leaders from Arab lands to meet with him.

The group, which is made up of seventy leaders from The World Federation of Moroccan Jewry, has already met with Abbas several times. Their meetings have been very productive and have helped to move issues and dialogues along.

This time, however, the group rejected the invitation from Abbas.

The leader of the group, Sam BenShitrit, said that they would not meet with Abbas until the Palestinian Authority president publicly condemned the recent stabbing of Hallel Jaffa - the 13 year old Israeli girl stabbed to death by a Palestinian intruder while in her bed.

BenShitrit also pointed out that Abbas refused to meet with Israeli President Rivlin in Europe at the EU meeting.

And finally, BenShitrit explained that after their last meeting with the PA president he wrote to Israeli PM Netanyahu paving the road for face to face with Abbas, but Abbas still has not pursued that meeting.

BenShitrit feels that it is not useful to continue meeting with the head of the PA when Abbas does not follow through with their previous agreements. 

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