Sunday, October 16, 2016

Iraq & US Drop Leaflets on Mosul

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The Iraqi army dropped leaflets over Mosul early Sunday morning warning residents that the final assault will soon take place.

The messages told the population that their intent is not to target civilians, and that they should avoid ISIS areas. Other leaflets announcements that the final attack to free Mosul from ISIS is about to begin.

Many say that announcements of this kind show the players' hand.

They say that the bad guys will have the opportunity to run away or to burrow and hide deeper underground or even embed themselves more tightly among the innocent population.
Israel drops these messages.

It is an important moral component of combat.
Innocent civilians should not be targeted. Inevitably, some evil characters do escape but more normally, exits are limited and only innocent people are permitted to leave.

Today wars can be surgically and successfully executed. 

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