By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
On September 25th the entire Middle East might explode.
That is the day that the Kurds of the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) in northern Iraq will vote for independence.
5 million people will cast their votes and almost everyone will opt for independence.
The Shiites, who now govern Iraq, have said that they will not recognize an independent Kurdish state. But the truth is that the Iraqi army is preoccupied fighting ISIS and they are no match for the Kurds. In addition, the Kurds already control their border.
The Turks and the Iranians will be very upset with Kurdish independence. 75% of the Kurds are split between these two nations. And that is where war may emerge.
The Turks will do anything to prevent a Kurdish state. Iran does not want to cede any of its land, nor do they want their Kurds running to join the new Iraqi Kurdish state.
If battle breaks the conflict will be between Kurds in Iraq, Turkey and Iran. There will be huge losses.
But in the end an independent state might emerge carved out of Turkey and Iran and Iraq.
The other possibility is a massacre in which of millions of Kurds will be murdered at the hands of Turks and Iranians.
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