Tuesday, September 5, 2017

IDF War Games Send Message

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Israel's IDF is in the middle of its largest war exercises in the past 20 years. The war games, taking place from September 4 through September 14, are being played out in the north of Israel - on Israel's Lebanese border and their border with Syria.

Every year Israel conducts war games in that area. This year's games are different. These games are designed to send a very clear message to Hezbollah, Iran and Syria.

Not much information has been released about the war games. But we can certainly assume that the IDF will utilize the multi-layered components of Israel's defense system.

There are three stages to these war games. First is an airstrike. Second is a ground strike. Third is a move to push invaders back over their borders.

Variations of this exercise have always beneficial to IDF forces and their commanders. This year, even more so. This year IDF's war games are doubling as a media message to the enemy.


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