Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Uber Shut Down in Israel

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Uber is no longer permitted to operate in Israel.

There are two reasons for that decision.

The first is that in order to take money from a passenger, the driver must have a taxi license - what is sometimes called a hack's license. Uber drivers do not have that license.

The second is that Uber does not insure their drivers and hence, they are endangering their passengers.

The judge hearing the case ruled that Uber may not drive a single passenger one single meter more in Israel. Uber has been irresponsible.

The judge also let the cab drivers association, which brought the suit against Uber, a tongue lashing.

He said that change and progress is inevitable and the old taxi system needs to catch up and recognize the new ways.

The old time association will not succeed by simply stopping progress through suing.


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