Wednesday, December 27, 2017

PA Arrests Famous Arafat Crony

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

If you criticize Palestinian President Abbas or his government you can get arrested. If you are a public person who commands a following, your arrest is more than likely.

Mohammed al-Dayya, a retired Brigadier General in the Palestinian National Security, Service was arrested for his critique of Abbas.

Not only was he a general, al-Dayya was also Yasser Arafat's person security guard. Arafat went nowhere without al-Dayya.

The al-Dayya family was stunned by the arrest and issued the following statement: "we were surprised by the unfair and illegal arrest of our militant son, Brigadier General Mohammed al-Dayya, by the Palestinian military Intelligence Service four days ago."

There are serious doubts about whether the Palestinian Authority is a democracy.

This arrest once again proves that personal rights and democracy are not a foundation of the PA. 

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