Monday, February 26, 2018

Egypt Trying to Unite Palestinians

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Egyptian leadership is in Gaza trying to convince the Palestinians from Gaza to unite with the Palestinians from the West Bank.

Two intelligence leaders from Egypt, along with a senior diplomat, went to Gaza to urge a Palestinian reconciliation. They were joined by several Fatah ministers from Abbas’ ruling cabinet.

As this is happening, a group of Hamas leaders is in Cairo. They have been there for several weeks and are part of a group that Egypt is trying to influence in the same way.

Egypt thinks that bringing Palestinians together will make for a more secure region. They may be correct. But it is highly unlikely that any agreement will last - there have already been several agreements and all have shattered apart. Never the less, Egypt thinks that they can control Hamas and keep the border with Israel quiet.

The downside of any agreement is that it will be almost impossible to rein in Hamas and enforce any commitments made with Fatah and Egypt.

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