By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
Violence against Jews of Germany has reached a highpoint. And it may get even worse.
The Berlin Kippa March is a proud show of solidarity, it is a rejection of anti-Semitism and violence against Jews.
But the Jews of Germany are afraid.
Joseph Schuster, head of Germany's Central Council of Jews, suggested that Jews stop wearing their kippot and instead start wearing baseball caps. He said that he was "against showing themselves openly with a kippa in a big-city setting in Germany, and wear a baseball cap or something else to cover their head instead."
At the same time Israeli Chief Rabbi Lau, who has said that his office was flooded by requests for help sent him by German Jewry, proclaimed that the Jews of Germany should continue wearing their kippot with pride.
This is a classic divide between Israel and the Diaspora. Nothing can bridge this chasm.
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