Sunday, July 22, 2018

Iran Says Mistake to Trust US

By Micah Halpern

I've Been Thinking:

Anyone who thinks that Iran will negotiate with the United States as a tactic to relieve the pressure of upcoming sanctions against them doesn't understand Iran.

Iran's leader, the Grand Ayatollah Khameinei, has said that it would be an obvious mistake to negotiate with the United States because the US is totally untrustworthy and unreliable.

In a meeting with his foreign ministry, the Supreme Leader said: "The word and even the signature of the Americans cannot be relied upon, so negotiations with America are of no avail."

He further explained that It seems clear that negotiations with the US would be an "obvious mistake."

There have been rumors that Iran wants to resume dialogue with the US and even that the United States is actually reaching out to Teheran.

Those rumors seem unfounded given the public messages we are receiving.

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