Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Iran Says US Lies

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

President Trump snapped sanctions back on Iran yesterday. As a lead up to this day, President Trump announced that he is inviting Iran to dialogue - and with no preconditions.

In response, however, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that he has no interest in any dialogue with the United States. Rouhani asserted that the US is simply not trustworthy. He said the US would first need to prove their honesty and that would nearly be impossible. He said that the United States pulled out of a deal and that proves that they do not keep their word.

"We are always in favor of diplomacy and talks ... But talks needs honesty ... The US re-imposes sanctions on Iran and pulls out of the nuclear deal, and then wants to hold talks with us." That's what Rouhani said on state television.

And then he added:"Trump's call for direct talks is only for domestic consumption in America ... and to create chaos in Iran."

Iran is suing the United States in the World Court for damages done since the 19553 coup that was sponsored and coordinated by the CIA. That was the coup that ousted Iran's democratically elected president and replaced him with the Shah.


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