Tuesday, September 17, 2019

More Oil Disruptions By Iran

By Micah Halpern

I've Been Thinking:

Iran has made it clear. There will be no meeting between US President Trump and Iranian President Rouhani at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City at the end of September.
President Trump is saying the same thing. In speaking about “fake news” which, he says, is claiming that he wants to meet with Iran without conditions: “That is an incorrect statement as usual.”

Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi called the possibility of a Trump/Rouhani meeting “speculation” and said “this meeting will not happen.”

Those statements come as a major relief for Israel. Hearing that Trump is not running to Iran means that Israel and the United States are still on the same page regarding Iran.

Iran is expanding plans to destabilize the West. Their attack on Saudi Arabia oil which reduced world output by 5% was intended as a crippling blow to the West.

Expect to see more of these disruptions.


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