Monday, November 18, 2019

Russia Poaching US Clients

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
Russia is expanding their weapons program.

The Russians are on the prowl for new clients interested in buying their fighter jets and missiles. Egypt has been enticed and they are in talks with Russia about augmenting their air force.

If the sale goes through, it would a violation of US contracts. Until now, ever since the end of the Cold War, the United States has been supplying Egypt with weaponry.

R. Clarke Cooper, Assistant Secretary of State in the US Bureau of Political- Military Affairs, issued a very bold and direct statement at the Dubai Air Show. The assistant secretary said that if Egypt buys Russian hardware: "It puts them at risk of sanctions and it puts them at risk of loss of future acquisition."

There are other sanctions that the US would apply. These would include spare parts and technology and anything that is connected even remotely to military assistance.

It would Egypt in the long run. But Russia really wants to break the US hold on countries like Egypt and is making their offers sound very attractive. 

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