Sunday, February 2, 2020

Abbas Rejects Deal

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The Arab League met on Sunday in an emergency meeting in Cairo.

The purpose was to show support for the Palestinians and for PA President Mahmoud Abbas as he presented his rejection of US President Trump's Deal of the Century.

Abbas repeated the message he delivered before. He would not accept any message from Trump, not by phone and not by letter. He did not want Donald Trump to say that the Palestinian president was consulted on the plan.

In addition, Abbas cut all ties with Israel and the United States. Diplomatic ties had already been severed. This time he severed security interaction. Until now both the CIA and Israel have had very close security links with Palestinian security. Those links have now been cut.

I am willing, however, to speculate that those contacts will resume - very quietly resume next week because it is an essential need on all three sides. They all need to share information to stay safe. And the PA needs it more than the United States and Israel.

Abbas is thinking about his legacy. He has repeated time and again this past week, before and after the unveiling of The Deal, that he will to be remembered as the person who betrayed Jerusalem.

The other issue he discussed was demilitarization. Abbas said it is simply unacceptable. 

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