Thursday, September 3, 2020

COVID Spikes in Israel

 By Micah Halpern

Thursday September 3, 2020

I've Been Thinking:

COVID is spiking in Israel. Over 3000 cases in 24 hours – 2 days in a row.
Deaths have reached 1,000.

Several cities, towns and neighborhoods are the centers of contagion. They are called Red Zones. Their numbers skew national numbers. As a result, the national numbers, with an almost 10% contagion rate, are extremely worrisome. The Covorna Virus Cabinet just shut them down and sealed them off from the rest of Israel.

If those communities are not brought under control, authorities will be forced to institute another national lockdown. And soon - possibly even before Rosh Hashanah.

The Hareidi community and the Arab community are neither going to be tested nor are they complying with protocols. They claim herd immunity, but they are getting sick.

Several very prestigious leading rabbis have called for their communities not to test for fear that their schools will be closed. They are convinced that the testing and high COVID positive numbers will cause others to have a negative opinion of the Hareidi community.

800 students from the Hareidi yeshiva world tested positive yesterday. The number is, in actuality, much higher because many students did not test. That is about 30% of all COVID positives in Israel from a community that is only 10% of the population. The percentage is even higher when you take into account their age group, 18-25. In that group, these 800 positive Hareidi yeshiva students probably comprise over 50% of the Israel’s positives.

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