Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bibi Meets Jordan King

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Two Israeli news stations have citied a report that ran in the London based Arabic daily Al Quds al Arabi.
The report, which ran yesterday, said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had visited Amman, Jordan and had a long extensive discussion with King Abdullah.

This is not farfetched. And it has been confirmed by several members of the prime minister's inner circle.
The main topic of their discussion was the threat posed by Syria should they use non-conventional weapons.
Israel confirmed that they believe that the weapons are currently safely stored in Syria. They could not be certain, however, as to whether or not any chemical weapons have yet to be used during the conflict.

Israel and Jordan have history. In 1994 Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty but recently King Abdullah has been very critical of Israel and of Netanyahu.

There is important symbiosis between Israel and Jordan. They need one another and they especially need intelligence from one another. And they share enemies - and these enemies work tirelessly towards the destruction of both Jordan and of Israel. 

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