Saturday, December 8, 2012

Maashal in Gaza

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Halad Maashal is in Gaza.

Maashal arrived yesterday and will be in Gaza for 48 hours celebrating both the 25th anniversary of the founding of Hamas and the recent Hamas victory over Israel.
Maashal is the head of Hamas.

He is officially in exile and, according to Israel, not permitted in Gaza.

In 1997 after a gruesome terror attack in a market in Jerusalem then Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered the assassination of Halad Maashal.

Two Mossad agents approached Maashal in Amman, Jordan and spritzed him in the ear with a poison. But they botched the mission and the two agents were subdued by Maashal's driver and arrested. After the antidote was delivered and Maashal's life was saved, the agents were released.

As another part of the deal to free the agent Hamas prisoners in Israel jails were released - including Sheik Ahmad Yassin, known as the Blind Sheik.

Maashal is a major symbol for Hamas and for Israel. His arrival to Gaza raises some big issues. Should Israel try to assassinate him and this time succeed, what will be the fallout? 

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