Monday, July 27, 2015

Iran's Mullahs Are Against the Deal

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Iranian religious leadership has a very interesting "take" on the nuclear agreement.

It seems that religious leadership in Iran believes that the agreement is a trap. They think it is a lure with promises of great economic rewards. And they think that what the United States, Israel and all the other nations who were forcing the agreement really want - is a change of leadership in Iran.

The religious leaders think that the entire purpose of the agreement is to entice Iran into understanding Western ways so that they will view the world outside of Iran as beneficial to the masses in Iran.

They fear that those Iranians who yearn for improved economic and cultural exchanges with the outside world will - because of the nuclear agreement, immediately see and understand the new status Iran has achieved.

Iranian religious leadership may not be so far off.

And Iranian religious leadership is petrified that their assessment will come true.
If their fears are realized, it means that they, the religious leadership of Iran, would be ousted and their values and their stranglehold on the youth, the culture and the economy of Iran would be vaporized.

So, why did Rouhani receive permission from the Supreme Leader of Iran to sign off on the deal, and why has the rest of Iranian religious leadership remained quiet until now? The answer is that the religious leaders in Iran understood how important it was to lift the sanctions and improve their economy. Now that it is a done deal, they will clamp down on the hopes and dreams of reformers and youth attempting to use this agreement as a springboard to freedom.

Iranian religious leadership is telling the United States -- "We see your games and understand you moves."

This is the only way we can interpret the numerous comment made by the Supreme Leader immediately before and since the announcement of the nuclear agreement. 

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