Tuesday, July 7, 2015

ISIS Smuggling Members into Europe

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Europe may be slowly waking up.

The European Union prosecutor held a special press conference to inform journalists that ISIS is using ships not only to smuggle people but also to secretly smuggle ISIS members into Europe.

Journalists were also told that ISIS is earning money smuggling people.

ISIS is smuggling illegals across the Mediterranean into Europe.

Obviously, the ISIS members are entering Europe to organize, raise money and recruit. They are also there to motivate and plan attacks.

Eurojust is an EU agency that tries to coordinate with EU members on issues of terror, cyber crime and illegal immigration. According to the Associated Press, the director of Eurojust, Michele Coninsx, has information about ISIS and their smuggling operation. She did not want to reveal too much information, but made it perfectly clear that it is happening.

I found it interesting that, according to the coverage, EU leadership did not want to venture a hypothesis as to why ISIS was smuggling people into Europe.

The answer should be clear. ISIS wants to attack Europe!


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