By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
Yesterday Donald Trump said that he thinks that Barack Obama hates Israel.
Trump did not just blurt this out or shout out like he sometimes does. Trump was responding to someone who called out the word "Israel" when he said "I heard the beautiful name of Israel."
The Donald followed up his own comment by pointing at himself and declaring: "Israel is safe with this one."
From there Trump commented on the Iran deal, saying the deal "is so bad for Israel, so dangerous." And then he spoke about President Barack Obama.
Trump said: "They [Israel] have a president who they actually think Obama hates Israel. I think he does..." He said that Israel is "in such a massive amount of trouble. Because of the agreement."
This was an observation --- not one of the rants we have grown so accustomed to from Donald Trump. This was the expression of a sincere sentiment. Donald Trump truly believes that Barack Obama hates Israel.
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