Sunday, October 4, 2015

Terrorists Mistake Arab for Jew

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Earlier today an Arab man was stabbed near the entrance to Kiryat Arab which is just next to Hebron.

There has been a rash of Palestinian terror against Jews since Abbas' speech before the UN General Assembly.

The Arab victim in this case was treated by Jewish/Israeli paramedics. He claims that his attackers mistook him for a Jew.

That is possible - but it is more probable that he was targeted as a collaborator or someone who was interacting with Jews, even if he was not an intelligence asset.

The Palestinians are attempting to close ranks and ferret out the many assets, informers and
collaborators who regularly update Israel as to the goings on in the West Bank and Gaza.

These assets are essential to Israel's ability to defend and protect its citizens.

So, yes, one explanation could be that the terrorists mistook this Arab for a Jew. But the other, much more probable, explanation is that this Arab man was dressed in a way and was found in an area that made his attackers assume that he was meeting Israeli contacts. 

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