Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Kurds are the Answer in Syria

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The secret to the next stage in the Middle East is - the Kurds.

There are 30,000 Kurds who compose a well trained, fully operational and well disciplined fighting force. It is the only force that has successfully pushed back ISIS across the region.

Now the Russians want the Kurds to be part of their ground force. Part of the deal is that the Russians will support the Kurds militarily and also support their bid for Kurdish autonomy.

The United States cannot let that happen. So the US has begun to lure the Kurds and recently engaged in a joint raid against ISIS and a major weapons drop that delivered US small arms to the Kurds.

Over the next weeks the Kurds are going to have to make their decision. Who will it be - the Russians or the United States. Soon enough, we will know.


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