Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Hackers Declare War on ISIS

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Anonymous is a confederation of computer hackers. They are a notorious group. And they have successfully attacked numerous sites around the world.

Anonymous attacked the NY Stock Exchange as part of the Occupy Wall Street Movement. In June of 2015 they shut down the entire internet system of the government of Canada. Anonymous has hacked presidents and prime ministers and defense departments.

Anonymous has also hacked and shut down child porn sites. They have hit banks and private industry like Koch Industries. They also orchestrated a large systematic attack against the Church of Scientology.

Yesterday, Anonymous posted a video to YouTube and declared war on ISIS. The video was in French. The reader was wearing a Guy Fawkes mask and announced that Anonymous will search, will attack and will destroy ISIS.

The reader pledged that Anonymous will find the ISIS website, ISIS players and ISIS contributors and they will destroy them. By destroy

Anonymous means that they will wipe out the ability of ISIS to use the internet. Wherever anything ISIS pops up, Anonymous will shut them down.
Anonymous "declared war" on ISIS.

It was not an idle threat. This is the second time that Anonymous has declared war on ISIS. The first time was after the Charlie Hebdo attack.

Anonymous is very capable. They have people all over the world. Most are good hackers - some are exceptional hackers. The exceptional ones are driven. They do not stop.

Some of the hackers are kids. The first person arrested in the United States for being part of
Anonymous was a 19 year old. His name was Dmitry Gunzer. He served 366 days in federal prison.

Anonymous is very dangerous. They tend to like anarchy, but they are also fiercely protective of individual rights - especially the right to live one's own life. And that is why Anonymous has targeted ISIS.


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