By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
Scott Atran, co-founder of the Center for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict at Oxford University, made public some very interesting information about the study of ISIS recruits.
Atran said that 75% of all ISIS recruits are recruited by friends.
He also said that 20 % of ISIS recruits are recruited by family -- that means siblings and cousins.
He admitted that mosques have become radicalized but ISIS recruitment very seldom comes from the mosques.
Anecdotal evidence seems to confirm Atran's research and his assertions. We see many sects which include friends from the same neighborhood. These are friendships that date back decades. When looking at those who perpetrate terror attacks we see an uncanny number of siblings and cousins.
This means that radicalized mosques are not the hotbed of recruitment that we may have thought. And hard core recruiters are less effective than we gave them credit for.
Contacts and connections are the most effective recruitment tools.
This knowledge should allow us another set of methods to use to interrupt recruitment. Find friends and find siblings.
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