Tuesday, June 25, 2019

New Parties in Israel

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
The new elections in Israel on September 17, will certainly have new parties. Two new ones are in the works.

One new party to emerge is headed by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak the only person who actually defeated Bibi in an election. He was the leader of the Labor Party. Labor has since imploded.

Ehud Barak is putting together a great new team. The names include former foreign minister and head of the Kadima Party Tzipi Livni.

Also, Dan Meridor a former Likud minister. Yair Golan former deputy chief of staff of the IDF is part of the team. The final personal to round out the top of this all-star team is Adina Bar Shalom. Bar Shalom is the extremely talented and well known daughter of Rav Ovadia Yosef former Chief Rabbi and founder of Shas.

The emergence of this party will leach from the New Blue and White coalition. Barak has been rumored to have spoken to Yair Lapid one of the heads of the Blue and White.

The second party is far less nationally or internationally enticing. The mayor of Tiberias Ron Kobi.
The name of his party is the Secular Right.

Many more parties will emerge some whith better chances than others.


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