Thursday, October 3, 2019

Ships Waiting in Iran

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

20 ships with over 10,000 tons of grain are just sitting outside Iranian ports.

They are waiting to be off loaded.

The ships just sit and sit and wait.

The grain is badly needed by the people of Iran.
The grain has not been brought into port for several reasons.
Most significantly, Iran does not have the money to pay.

US sanctions have made it nearly impossible for Iran to purchase basic
necessities. But it's not just the cash crunch. Ships want to make certain that their delivery will not be seen by the watchful eyes of the United States.

Ship owners fear US economic retaliation. And rightfully so.

The United States is utilizing all forms of intelligence, satellites, drones, computers and human intel to monitor the situation. The US can find out whatever it needs to know.

Nonetheless, despite the pressure and the intel, two ships managed to unload their cargo over the past two weeks. But that is almost nothing relative to the tremendous needs of Iran.

US sanctions against Iran are having a significant effect, that seems obvious.

What seems equally as obvious is that the sanctions are, quite literally, starving Iranians. 

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