Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Wrong Headlines - Shame

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Why should any of this surprise me. The headline in the Washington Post called one of the most brutal murderers in the modern era an “austere religious scholar.” The headline continued "Dies at 48."

Remarkably, this was the second headline the rework. The first called Baghdadi "Terrorist in Chief."

Finally on Monday morning, a new headline emerged on the website. "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, extremist leader of Islamic State, dies at 48." No doubt this third headline is much better - but it is still far from a true depiction of the magnitude of the news.

I am an equal opportunity critic. Everything President Trump does as president is not perfect. When I disagree, I explain where he is off base in my analysis. I think he would appreciate the honesty and the analysis. It is how we play the game. All thinkers can and should be able to disagree about ideas.

But when Trump does the correct thing and scores a huge victory for freedom and democracy and the US. Everyone should applaud.

Everyone should applaud even if you dislike Trump. This no different than when your arch rival team makes a great play -- a one in a million perfect triple play. Honesty, intellectual honesty and ethics demands that you acknowledge the greatness of the moment. Enjoy it and compliment the other team.
Shame on those who did not see how significant this moment is.


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