Thursday, August 6, 2020

Huge Wedding in Jerusalem

By Micah Halpern

Wednesday August 5, 2020

I've Been Thinking:

On Wednesday the wedding of the grandson of the Belzer Rebbe took place in Jerusalem. The wedding was held in the Belz synagogue in Jerusalem which is enormous. The building can be seen from miles away. After it was built, the synagogue was jokingly referred to as the 3rd Temple by many of those who live in Jerusalem.

Thousands of people were invited to participate in the wedding. Thousands accepted the invitation and they were all in close contact.

Police officials met with Belzer leadership and explained how unsafe and unwise such a gathering would be. But the wedding went on as planned. The new head of Israel’s National COVID Task Force called the wedding a huge potential center for contamination. He was so upset he even went so far as to say that events like this play “Russian Roulette” with people’s lives.

Police fined the organizers 5000 NIS that is about $1400 for violating COVID laws and having such a large gathering.

We pray that no one gets infected. But mathematics may prove the opposite.

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