Wednesday, August 19, 2020

US Destroys F-14 to Stop Iran

 By Micah Halpern

I've Been Thinking:

I just read a fascinating article about why the United States destroyed their entire fleet of F-14 Tomcats in 2007, after the entire fleet was retired.

Each of the fighter jets could have been sold for parts and would have brought in $38 million each.

The reason President Bush opted to destroy the fleet instead of selling it off was because, when the F-14 Tomcat was in its heyday, the Shah of Iran bought 80 of the planes. After the fall of the Shah, all those planes fell into he hands of the Ayatollah. Iran’s new air-force had the planes after the Islamic Revolution.

President Bush was thinking of the future. He knew that one day those planes would need spare parts.

Iran’s air-force now needs spare parts and because of the decision made way back in 2007, the Iranian air-force has been seriously weakened.

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