Sunday, January 8, 2012

War Manuevers in Iran

By Micah Halpern

I've Been Thinking:

We have heard about the recent military maneuvers conducted by Iran - when they shot surface to air missiles and other weapons.

Iran wanted us to hear about these military maneuvers. It is all part of an orchestrated move to exercise and flex their muscles making sure that the United States knows that the Iranians are capable of defending themselves. For internal consumption, these maneuvers were an important symbol of Iranian pride, telling the Iranians and their military that they have the weapons to repel any US aggression.

But even more interesting than their PR agendas is the military message the Iranians are also sending. These military exercises took place on the Iranian border with Afghanistan.

And then today another set of maneuvers took place not 40 miles from Afghanistan. This is Iran's way of sending a very strong message to those on the Afghani side of the border. The military message to the tribes was --- do not cross without permission.

Iran is in control of its border. Iran is totally out of control. That is not a contradiction, it is the Iranian way.
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