Thursday, April 18, 2013

Iran Condemns Boston Bombs But...

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Iran's Grand Leader The Ayatollah Khamenei condemned the terror attack in Boston. He said that Islam rejects the murder of innocent people and children. But he also condemned what he referred to as hypocrisy of America.

Look at the statements Khamenei made yesterday to a convention of army commanders and Basij leader. These quotes are from FARS, an official Iranian news service.

"In compliance with the logic of Islam, the Islamic Republic of Iran opposes and condemns any kind of explosion and killing of innocent people no matter it takes place in the United States' Boston or in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria."

"The attitude of America and others who allege to be supporters of human rights towards the killing of innocent people is contradictory and we, thus, believe that the United States and the front standing against the Islamic Republic of Iran are irrational."

"What kind of logic is this that if children and women in Afghanistan and Pakistan are killed by Americans and if the terrorists supported by the US, the West and the Zionists cause catastrophes in Iraq and Syria, it wouldn't matter, but if a blast takes place in the US or a western country, then the whole world should pay the price for it."

Khamenei's biting critique of the US and it policies explains, in part, why Iran and her allies believe that the United States and the West is misunderstanding Iran and the rest of the world. 

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