Thursday, October 15, 2015

Abbas Fomenting Terror

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Jerusalem has been victim of a flood of terror. In order to stem the tide policies that limit movement in Jerusalem have been instituted.

Israeli leadership needs to stop the terror. These new policies may seem harsh to Americans but restoring order and preventing daily terror attacks by young adults - boys and men who enter the holy city is one effective way of accomplishing that.

Creating a monstrous police presence is another effective method.

Israel cannot permit this wave of terror to continue any longer. More than one attack in more than three or four cities on the same day is unacceptable.

Israelis have started to strike back on their own. There have been several cases of Israelis stabbing Arabs. This is wrong - it's vigilantism. Israelis should maintain their honor and not sink to the level of those who are trying to annihilate them. 

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