Monday, April 18, 2016

Iran Says They'll Protect MidEast from Terror

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
Yesterday Iran's President Rouhani gave a speech addressed to the Muslim world, especially to her Arab neighbors, saying that Iran will defend everyone from terror threats and from Zionists threats.
Rouhani said: "If tomorrow your capitals face danger from terrorism or Zionism, the power that will give you a positive answer is the Islamic Republic of Iran."

"The power of our armed forces is not aimed at any of our neighbors ... Its purpose is to defend Islamic Iran and act as an active deterrent."

There are several important things happening in this speech.

Most importantly, Rouhani spoke at an army parade. It was the annual army parade in Iran during which the newest and most modern Iranian weaponry is displayed - it is intended as a source of great pride.

This parade showcased many of the new Russian arms that Iran has received since the arms embargo was lifted last year. Especially present was the newly acquired Russian S-300 missile system. (Actually, it is not certain how much of the missile system Iran received or if Iran actually received the entire system.)

Next in importance is that Iran wants everyone to understand that they are the protectors of the region. This is a theme that Iran has been pushing for some time. They want to usurp the roles of Egypt and Saudi Arabia as caretakers of the region. People on the Arab street are starting to believe them.

Iran also wants to emphasize that the people they support are not terrorists. In other words, in their eyes Hezbollah is not a terror organization.

And finally, Iran is taking a strong stand against those countries that are warming up their relations with Israel. Egypt and Saudi Arabia have agreed to exchange the Island Tiran. That exchange involves Israel. Iran is challenging anyone who would deal with the Israel, or as they call it, the Zionist Entity. 

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