Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Pope is Wrong on ISIS

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The Pope has got ISIS and Islam all wrong. In fact, his comments actually help ISIS gain more support.

After the brutal murder of a Catholic priest in Normandy, the Pope and his spokesmen did not mention Islam. His Holiness does not believe that Islam is the issue.

Yesterday the Pope said: "It's not right to identify Islam with violence. It's not right and it's not true." He said: "I believe that in every religion there is always a little fundamentalist group."

And then he concluded "I know how they think, they are looking for peace."

Unfortunately, the Pope does not know how ISIS works. He is so very far off from understanding them.

The Pope believes that ISIS "presents itself with a violent identity card, but that's not Islam." He is wrong - for ISIS that is Islam.


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